Hôpital vétérinaire Vieux-Village 819-864-6924

3 Tips for Teleworking with a Dog

Whether you telecommute temporarily or permanently, if you have a dog at home, you'll definitely benefit from the three tips our animal health technician Kassandra has put together:

1. Pretend you're not there!

If your dog normally spends the day in a crate when you're away from home, it's important to do the same during telecommuting hours. A good, stable routine will help you concentrate and avoid confusing your dog. In fact, it's essential to completely ignore his cries! Otherwise, he'll associate them with a way of asking for positive attention, which can quickly undermine your productivity.

If your dog spends most of the day free in the house, but has a specific place where he sleeps in your absence, it's important that he spends most of his time there even when you're there. Don't let him lie at your feet, for example. After all, you're at work!

2. Establish an easy-to-maintain exercise routine

As you spend more time at home, you may be taking walks or playing with your dog more often. Keep in mind that, like us, his body adapts to the energy it expends, and even when you return to the office, he'll still need to move just as much! So make sure you adopt an exercise regime that you can maintain, even when you may no longer be teleworking every day.

3. Consult a dog behaviour specialist

If you notice that your dog seems out of sorts (after a change of routine, for example), don't hesitate to seek the advice of a canine specialist. Medication isn't always necessary: sometimes your dog just needs to be understood, and that's what specialists are there for! They can advise you on a gentle approach to the situation and give you tips on how to make Pitou feel at ease.

Have you recently adopted a puppy or dog?

All these tips are even more valuable! A stable routine right from the start makes our furry friends happy, so if you're planning a change in routine, such as going back to work outside the home, getting your dog used to this reality is a win-win situation.